Main information
The 13th Strasbourg International Go Tournament will take place on May 24th and 25th 2025 at the FEC.
Friday, May 23th
- 20:00: Drinks and games at the FEC, 17 place Saint-Etienne. Walk accross the yard, to the left: EuroStudentCafé.
Saturday, May 24th
- 10:00 - 13:00: Registation
- 13:30: Opening and pairing
- 14:00: Round 1
- 17:00: Round 2
- 19:00: Diner and party, tartes flambées at the venue
Sunday, May 25th
- 10:00: Semi-finals and round 3
- 14:00: Final and round 4
- 17:00: Prize giving ceremony
Tournament system
- 4 rounds
- Knock out tournament for the top 16 players
- McMahon tournament for the other players (losers of the first two rounds of the knock-out will join the McMahon tournament)
- Fischer time 50 min + additional time 15s/move for the top group
- Main time 1h + 3x30s byo-yomi for the McMahon tournament (to be confirmed after checking the clocks)
- Japanese rules
- Komi 6.5
- Tournament: 20€ (under 18: 10€)
- Diner (all you can eat tartes flambées): 10€
- Prizes:
- 1st place: 600€
- 2nd place: 400€
- 3rd place: 300€
- 4th place: 200€
- Prizes for all players with four wins.
Tournament location
Foyer de l'étudiant catholique F.E.C. 17 Pl. Saint-Étienne, 67000 Strasbourg
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